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Outback Fight Club

Outback Fight Club tous les saison en streaming gratuitement VF et VOSTFR

Description de Outback Fight Club Sur OuVoir vip

Fred Brophy is a fourth generation traveling showman and heads the last surviving tent boxing troupe in the world. To many, Fred is an outback hero. He is friend, counselor and savior to the rural unemployed and destitute. He invites drifters into his troupe and employs and mentors young people to keep them off drugs. He helps out communities and donates much of his income to local causes and charities. In 2010 Fred will embark on his final boxing tour of Queensland before retiring. An 80-year iconic Australian tradition will come to an end. But Fred wants to go out with a bang. He plans to make the last tour his best ever and an unforgettable experience for both his boxers and the audiences in the towns he visits. .

  • Genre :
  • Acteurs :
  • Année : 2020
  • Durée : 60 Min par épisode

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