Regarder Lil Jon Wants to Do What? En streaming HD GRATUIT VF
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  • Saison 01
    Ajouter: 24-01-2024, 09:55
Lil Jon Wants to Do What?

Lil Jon Wants to Do What? tous les saison en streaming gratuitement VF et VOSTFR

Description de Lil Jon Wants to Do What? Sur OuVoir vip

DJ Lil Jon is paired with designer and expert builder Anitra Mecadon, who previously shot DIY Network's "Mega Dens" in Atlanta. Lil Jon offers skeptical homeowners startlingly unconventional renovation ideas that seem impossible to execute. With ideas ranging from removing a ceiling to expand the height of the living room to accommodate huge new windows to gutting the basement to add a fully decked-out speakeasy for entertaining, Lil Jon and Anitra push homeowners out of their comfort zones with ingenious renovations and ideas that are sure to inspire daring and dramatic transformations. .

  • Année : 2022
  • Durée : 44 Min par épisode

Film Lil Jon Wants to Do What? en streaming complet Sur OuVoir vip

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