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  • Saison 01
    Ajouter: 24-01-2024, 09:55
Palace of Devotion

Palace of Devotion tous les saison en streaming gratuitement VF et VOSTFR

Description de Palace of Devotion Sur OuVoir vip

Orphaned as a child, Liu E travels to the capital Kaifeng, and later catches the eye of Zhao Heng. Though she was a concubine, Liu E was perceptive to state affairs, and often discussed politics with Zhao Heng. This tradition continued when he became emperor in 997. Liu E is crowned empress after adopting the son of a concubine (later Emperor Renzong), and serves as regent of the Song Dynasty during the last two years of her husband’s reign. Liu E would continue to rule until her death twelve years later in 1033. .

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