Regarder Go En streaming HD GRATUIT VF
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  • Saison 01
    Ajouter: 24-01-2024, 09:55

Go tous les saison en streaming gratuitement VF et VOSTFR

Description de Go Sur OuVoir vip

Go is an American television game show created by Bob Stewart and aired on NBC from October 3, 1983 to January 20, 1984. The show featured two teams, each composed of four contestants and a celebrity. The teams had to construct questions one word at a time to convey a word or phrase to their teammates. The concept of Go was based on a bonus round used on Chain Reaction, another game show created by Stewart. Los Angeles and Buffalo meteorologist Kevin O'Connell was the show's host, and Johnny Gilbert was the announcer. Go aired at 12:00 Noon Eastern on NBC, long a problem timeslot for the three major broadcast networks at the time as their local affiliates would often preempt network programming to air newscasts or other programming and the shows the networks would place there would often suffer in the ratings. Go proved to be one of those programs, as NBC ended the series after only sixteen weeks of episodes had aired. .

  • Année : 1983
  • Durée : 30 Min par épisode

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